Grants and aid

“Next Generation Grants” refer to a set of financial aid and financing that are awarded at national level in several countries, using funds allocated by the European Union as part of the “Next Generation EU” program. This program was created in response to the economic and social challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic and aims to boost economic recovery and sustainable transformation in the European Union.
Within the Next Generation grants, one of the important focuses is investment in the sustainable renovation and transformation of buildings and homes. This includes measures to improve the energy efficiency of buildings, promote the use of renewable energy and increase sustainability in environmental and social terms.

These grants can be used for a variety of projects, such as:

1. Improving the thermal insulation of both walls and doors and windows.
2. Updating heating and cooling systems by introducing more efficient systems such as heat pumps, aerothermal energy or biomass.
3. Installation of renewable energy systems (solar panels)

Each country in the European Union is developing its own plans and programmes to use Next Generation EU funds according to its needs and priorities. These grants represent an opportunity to boost sustainable transformation in various areas, including improving energy efficiency and the sustainability of buildings.

There are grants for both individuals and communities of neighbours. Don’t hesitate to ask.

If you are interested in information about grants, click here or call 621 01 89 54

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